

Totally Locally is all about reminding people of what they have in their town, and that if they want to continue to have these great things that they only need to make small changes to make a large difference.

TotallyLocallyTeddington is a showcase for Teddington’s independent businesses and shops. It gives residents a reason to shop in Teddington and reminds them of all the great things that they have and may have forgotten. It changes public perception and shopping habits so that locals look to spend money in their local shops instead of just at supermarkets, online and chain stores.

Totally Locally is not just about individual shops or businesses though. It is about working together to lift your whole town. It is a long-term campaign and one that has successfully changed both the bottom lines of shops and businesses and the way people choose to shop.

Initiative owner Tracey Wardhaugh: “As a local Teddington resident, I strongly believe that we all enjoy having a town filled with lovely independent retailers and eateries but sometimes, out of habit, we forget to use them as our first port of call and often end up shopping online or ‘popping’ into large chains in nearby larger towns.

Nationally, we know there has been a change in high streets, the toothless grin with retail spaces being left empty or filled with charity shops as highlighted by the Mary Portas ‘Save Our High Street’ campaign. We are fortunately not there with Teddington and if locals are reminded to support their local independents, we won’t ever be.

TotallyLocallyTeddington is a completely independent, non-profit voluntary community project driven by enthusiasm, in partnership with teddingtontown.co.uk.

Local groups and organisations are supporting this initiative:


If you are an independent trader in Teddington and want to learn more, try here for starters or head straight to the Resources page to download & print some posters and other great stuff to show your support!

Photo montage of Teddington